Park Board Members and Staff

Park Board – Commissioners

Mindi Schmitz


Email Mindi

Term Expires 2026

Mike Landscoot

Vice Chairman

Email Mike L.

Term Expires 2026

Ryan Harty


Email Ryan

Term Expires 2028

Mark Ukestad


Email Mark

Term Expires 2028

Mike Soulis


Email Mike S.

Term Expires 2026

Board Meetings (open to the public):  Second Monday of every month at 4:00 PM

Jamestown Parks and Recreation’s Two River Activity Center Multi-Purpose Room, 1501 5th St NE or otherwise stated.


(Pleases scroll down to view meeting agendas and minutes)


Public Communication Policy

A scheduled time for public participation has been placed on the agenda at Jamestown Parks and Recreation Board of Commissioners general meetings.


The Board desires to hear the viewpoints of citizens throughout the district. Individuals wishing to address the Board are requested to make arrangements with the Board President or the Executive Director prior to the meeting.


Comments should be made to the Board and not to individuals in the audience and be related to Park District operations and programs. The Board will not hear personal complaints against any person connected with the park district. Comments must address topics that are on the agenda. If a citizen would like to add a topic to the park board agenda, arrangements must be made in advance with the Director or Park Board President.


The Board reserves the right to eliminate or restrict the time allowed for public participation. The Board requests that comments are limited to three (3) minutes or less. Groups of individuals addressing a common concern are asked to designate one spokesperson.

Parks and Recreation Staff

Click here to see the Jamestown Parks and Recreation Staff Organizational Chart.

Headshot of female, JPRD Director

Amy Walters

Executive Director

Email Amy

Headshot of female, business office manager

Bonnie Ukestad

Business Manager

Email Bonnie

Headshot of the Parks and Rec foreman

Corey Genter

Facilities and Parks Operations Manager

Email Corey

Headshot of male, Hillcrest manager

John Ruff

Golf Course Operations Manager

Email John

Christopher Newans

Winter Sports Building Manager

Email Chris

headshot of male, TRAC Manager

Boya Quichocho

TRAC Manager

Email Boya

Headshot of female, JPRD Events Manager

Tammy Mewes

Programs and Special Events Manager

Email Tammy

JPRD Foundation Board Members

Rachel LiechtyPresident
Tessa GouldVice President
Joan MorrisTreasurer
David BruinsBoard Member
Kathy BoeBoard Member
Joyce HeinrichBoard Member
Matt GoehnerBoard Member
Scott SandnessBoard Member
Clay GreenwoodBoard Member
Bonnie UkestadSecretary - Staff Appointed
Amy WaltersEx-Officio

Comprehensive Parks Master Plan


Click here to learn more about the JPRD Comprehensive Master Plan and how you can voice your thoughts and ideas regarding the development of our parks and recreational spaces.

Annual Report


2023 Annual Report: View our Jamestown Parks and Recreation District Annual Report.

Meeting Minutes